St Vincent de Paul Society
The Our Lady & St Anne SVP conference is a dedicated team of volunteers who offer help to the elderly and their relatives by befriending, a regular visit or phone call for parishioners and individuals in our community.
We have a food bank and work in partnership with a local community centre who distribute food items locally. Also holding events to fund raise for those in need.
- A friendly visit or regular phone call
- Care home visits
- Hospital visits
- Transport
- Food
- Help filling in forms
- Clothing
…… and more
How to get in touch:
Our Lady & St Anne SVP Conference
Bev Ryan, President
Email: PresidentB170309@svp.org.uk
Pam: SecretaryB17039@svp.org.uk
The St Vincent de Paul Society (England & Wales) is a registered charity number 1053992