

Before any wedding can be arranged, there is a lot of paperwork to be organised, which is why plenty of notice needs to be given.  Please approach the parish priest as soon as possible after your decision to marry has been made (at least a year is normal).

contact details:
0118 947 1787  /

A few guidance points:

  • To be married here, one of you needs to be a parishioner of Our Lady and St Anne’s.  This means that either you live within the parish boundaries or you come to Mass here most Sundays.
  • You need to be free to marry in a Catholic church.  This generally means that neither of you should have been married before, either in a church or in a registry office.
  • Depending on your circumstances, you may opt to be married during a Nuptial Mass or in a marriage celebration without Mass.  This should be discussed with the parish priest.


The Sacrament of Marriage
The Church teaches that, since God created man out of love and calls on him to love, it is proper that the union of man and woman should be a Sacrament. 

The Sacrament of Marriage is the lasting commitment of a man and a woman to a lifelong partnership, established for the good of each other and the procreation of children. 

Marriage is different to most of the Sacraments, which are normally conferred by a priest or a bishop. The man and woman confer the Sacrament of Marriage upon each other when they express their consent to marry before God and the Church.

Recent News

Funeral – Ellie Magee

Ellie’s funeral will be celebrated here on Tuesday 28th January at 10.30am. May she rest in peace.